Thursday 11 December 2014

Guilty plea in NYC music festival drug death of Rochester man - News 10NBC

A Buffalo man has pleaded guilty to a narcotics charge in a prosecution that arose after an overdose death at a New York City music festival.

Patrick Morgan pleaded guilty Thursday to one count of conspiring to distribute narcotics.

The victim, 23-year-old Jeffrey Russ of Rochester, collapsed at the August 2013 Electric Zoo music festival on Randall's Island. He had consumed the drug Ecstasy, also known as Molly.

Authorities say Morgan had previously sold pills to other people. One person passed them around.

Prosecutors and a defense lawyer agreed to a stipulated sentencing guideline range. That makes it likely he'll face less than a year in prison on a charge whose maximum is 20 years.

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Entities 0 Name: Rochester Count: 1 1 Name: Electric Zoo Count: 1 2 Name: New York City Count: 1 3 Name: Patrick Morgan Count: 1 4 Name: Morgan Count: 1 5 Name: Island Count: 1 6 Name: Randall Count: 1 7 Name: Molly Count: 1 8 Name: Buffalo Count: 1 9 Name: Jeffrey Russ Count: 1 Related Keywords 0 Name: narcotics Score: 15 1 Name: pleaded Score: 11 2 Name: news10nbc Score: 10 3 Name: whec-tv Score: 10 4 Name: guilty Score: 10 5 Name: 23-year-old Score: 10 6 Name: morgan Score: 10 7 Name: pre-screened Score: 10 8 Name: festival Score: 9 9 Name: ecstasy Score: 8 Authors Media Images 0

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